Dreamhost prizes were won by Hector and Paul (below left) for their ideas and enthusiasm. We're not going to spill the beans about those here - LawTechIntersect has promised to host a VC/Angel pitch night if four new ventures were sparked! The crowd was pin-drop quiet for great talks by Tom Chernaik (CEO, CMP.LY), Steven Cherry (Journalist, @TechWisePodcast), and Matt Hall (Founder, Docracy). Tom announced CMP.LY's exciting new Command Post product! Steven taught us we better get working on our kaggle score. And, we saw a real live Docracy-crush by a very happy user.
Thanks are due to volunteers Jennifer, Jared, Taier, Matthew, and Lesley, and for the help from Jonathan Askin. Thanks, too, for support from the members of New York Tech Meetup, New York Legal Hackers, and nyhackers!