I'm a fan of InternetWeekNY - now 45,000+ New Yorkers mingling to teach, pitch, and network all manner of things web. So, this year, I'm the proud sponsor of an event. On Thursday, May 23, from 4pm to 6pm, I'll be hosting DISRUPT LAW!! SPARK-ATHON in Soho.
The event will include speed-networking and collaborative brainstorming among 25 innovation-oriented lawyers and 25 venture-seeking hackers/developers. The goal is to spark new legaltech ventures in disruptive legal technology. For those not in the startup scene, that's "disruptive" as in "ground-breaking innovativion" NOT as in "breaking someone else's technology.'"
Motivating descriptions of successful ventures will be provided by Matt Hall, co-founder of Docracy; Tom Chernaik, CEO of CMP.LY; and one more surprise. Docracy was the winner of the TechCrunch Disrupt NY Hackathon in 2011; it offers an open collection of legal contracts and a mechanism to negotiate and sign documents online. CMP.LY provides a full and creative suite of tools for compliance and risk management for social media. And, of course, there'll be a little something to eat and drink.
I haven't been this excited since I created the LinkedData Lab, which launched new careers and companies. Can't wait to see what Disrupt Law!! brings!
Follow this event on twitter - #DisruptLawIWNY