In reponse to many of the comments, I invite people to write in suggestions for how to get this information out. Also, please consider emailing this link to your friends, doctors, elected officials, etc.
Also, please note that much of the source material is comments to two earlier personal blogs (which are still posted at this site). The vaccine side effects reporting system, VAERS, is described in this blog.
It took longer than expected, but I've finally built a table from all the comments so far. As I've mentioned, I'm concerned about the adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine and how little is known yet. I'm hoping that gathering this information will help solve the mystery of what's causing them.
I'm not a medical researcher, so apologies if my methods are not perfect.
Since we know there are lots of folks who don't have reactions, I didn't include those in the table. The one exception to that rule is where someone wrote about siblings, in case that helps to rule out genetic predisposition.
Also, I included who wrote the comment in case they'd like to write back now and fill in the blanks.
If you've had a negative reaction or know someone who has, please submit a comment with as much of the information for the table as possible.
Age | Size | Known
Allergies or Other |
Shot | Admin.
With |
After |
Reaction | Commenter |
17 | low blood
pressure? |
1st | Meningitis
Hep A TB test
10 min. | Fainted | snail
re: self |
13 | 1st | Gardasil | 2 to 3 min. | collapsed ... fainted ... became rigid | Patricia
Doughty RN re: daughter |
"several other
vaccines" |
5 min. |
seizure... now hopitalized with slurred speech and left-side weakness | Carol
re: daughter |
21 | I was healthy and athletic
up until the vaccine |
or 2nd |
over 8 months |
have fainted 20 time since shot ... has been hospitalized ...
under the care of a cardiologist.
re: self |
14 &
17 |
1st | None | 1 month | 14-year-old had a seizure with rigid left side.
(same side as shot) |
re: two daughters |
12 | 1st | 7 days | fainted at home | Monica Della-Quercia
re: daughter |
& 16 |
1st | Meningitis
Hep A
minutes |
13 year-old: fainted....short seizure type episode...
received oxygen |
re: daughters |
21 | no medical problems,
no allergies active and healthy person |
3rd | 2 hours | ...fainted and had a seizure.
... taken to the ER by ambulance blood work and CT Scan ... negative. ... outpatient EEG ....abnormal |
re: daughter |
"dizzy rigth at first ... is normal
for me with any shot"t |
1st | Meningitis | within
5 minutes |
... dizzy ... collapsed (no loss of concious)
treated with food and drink |
re: self |
"dizzy rigth at first ... is normal
for me with any shot"t |
2nd | 3 days? | severe itching ....rash on my back, leg, & arm
re: self |
18 | 1st | Chicken pox | ... past week ....fever/nausea/daily vomiting | Erin
re: friend |
16 | 2nd | "a month
or two" |
... abnormal menstruation ... really spotty and other symptoms | Robin
re: self |
11 | 4 others | .. shot area swelled ... was red and ichy for days | Michele
re: daughter |
23 | 2nd | ... cramping of arm later became "itchy all over" and developed yeast allergy |
re: self 2x |
17 | Small
5'6" 90 lbs |
1st &
2nd |
... passed out after shots 1 & 2 | Victoria
re: self |
20s | Small
under 100 lbs |
passed out | Victoria
re: friend |
13, & 13 |
Thin |
3rd | Immediate
and 5 days |
All 3: ... burning fluid with shot ... very dizzy ....
headaches through the night Re: one 13 year-old: 5 days after ... seizure warning. ambulance to hospital. CT scan, chest xray, blood work, urinalysis, and MRI have all been normal |
re: her 3 daughters |
"horrible reaction ... cost me so much money in travel expenses and in seeing specialists" |
re: daughter |
25 | 3rd | Immediate | "...sudden rush or fluid.
muffled hearing and very high pitched ringing... gray and fuzzy sight...extremely hot and went pale ... "felt like I was going to drop dead right then." |
from San Antonio re; self |
23 | Med. | never had an adverse reaction to an injection, giving blood, etc. | 1st | "about a
"Fainted and fell off of the examining table" | AM
re: self |
21 | Med. | "no medical problems and no allergies" | 3rd | 1 hour | "seizure"
hospital blood work, urinalysis, EKG, CT Scan of the head - all negative. Follow up with neurologist. MRI which was negative. EEG showed some abnormalities 24 hour ambulatory EEG was negative |
re: daughter |
"very healthy athlete who
has never had any medical issues previously" |
3rd | about
1 1/4 hours |
fell on cement pool deck, hitting head, ... bad concussion ... lost consciousness. ... ambulance to hospital CT done, blood work done, and deemed well enough to go home. ... huge lump on her head and the whole side of her head is swollen from the fall |
re: daughter |
24 | med | "work out 4-5 days a week"
"never had a seizure before nor do I have any known allergies or other medical conditions" |
2nd | 10 min. | "blacked out ...two seizures" estimated 2-3 minutes
stopped from falling off table ...hurt neck... during seizure, arched back and flung head gained consciousness during second seizure ...shaking, ...drooling, and loss of orientation ...clouded vision and muffled hearing ambulance ... blood pressure ... 120/80 |
Kim K
re: self |
16 | none | 1st | ...very faint ...felt nauseated ...cold sweat ...
could barely walk. then, ... almost fainted |
re: self |
25 | med | "asthma... allergic to cats" | 1st and 2nd | sore arm ...significant stomach pains day of 1st & 2nd shot.
...painful menstruation after 1st shot ...very early and painful, heavy menstruation after 2nd shot vomiting and nausea the following week |
re: self |
16 | 10 sec. | seizure
... lost bladder control ... eyes rolled back ... body rigid ... arms moving recollection of seizure ... memory of bright light approaching fast ... rushed to hospital |
re: daughter |
18 | 2nd | 1 day
same day |
interimittent, involuntary hand shaking
very sore injection arm |
re: daughter |
31 | above
avg. |
no allergies | 1st | none | 10 min. | painful ...fainted
no fainting after 2nd and 3rd shot but, fainted again recently on a plane |
Tania Lopez
re: self |
12 | 1st | fainting, dizziness, seizures, hallucinating
no memory of them more than ten occurrences banned from school until resolved |
re: niece |
16 | 1st | fainted on my way to the reception desk.
(required to remain prone for 20 min after 2nd, and no fainting) |
re: self |
17 | Small
5'7" 105 |
menengitis, tetanus | minutes | collapsed
rushed to er by ambulance 3 days later suffering from severe abdomenal pain elevated wbc count ,blood in urine , negative for kidney stones or appendicitis |
re: daughter (2x) |
26 | 5'8"
128 |
and 2nd |
Topamax for mood) |
many "mini-seizures"
"lots of " body jolts and unsteady movements |
re: self |
13 | immed. | dizzy ... "started to twitch and jolt" |
re: daughter |
13 | MMR,Meningitis shot and chicken pox
and blood draw |
walked 50 feet and fainted
6 weeks later, feels run down |
re: daughter |
13 | All
3 |
2 weeks after 1st, 2 wks of severe fatigue
2 wks after 2nd, 3 wks of severe nausea and fatigue 3 wks after 3d, fatigue, nausea, weakness, headaches, and abmonial pain (more than 6 mon to-date) So severe, now home schooled by the school district. Will be seeing Boston children's hospital experts |
re: daughter |
3rd | extreme arm soreness/pain with lifting
(2 weeks to-date) |
re: self |
18 | athletic | none | 1st &
2nd |
1st w/ Meningitis
2nd w/TB test |
After 1st, sore joints and severe weakness for a few days After 2nd, fainted, then vomited. Site itchy. Weak for about 24 hours. |
re: self |
fainted and slept for 48 hours | Lara Ward
re: daugher |
14 | very healthy, athletic,
no prior reactions to any shot |
1st | Meningitis | Immed. | fainted and seizure | Kristie
re: daughter |
25 |
healthy, no meds, and no known allergy |
3rd |
...blood pressure has changed ...Pre-vaccination: 100/60 Past 4 months: 120-130/75-85 |
Sara re: self |
14 |
1st |
meningitis tetanus |
...periods ...coming earlier ...more and more problems ...One month, in color. the hospital...fever, chills, nausea, convulsions, stomach pain, feeling faint, difficulty breathing, and headaches. ...cramps were worse than they've ever been ...tested...and...ct-scan...couldn't find anything ...developed depression...its been hell |
Jessica re: self |
1st |
fainted on the way to the reception desk |
Kristen re: self |
24 |
running every day, extremely healthy | (for 6 months to date) |
blacked out and ...seizure ... experienced numbness and tingling in my arms, tachycardia (had to wear a heart monitor) and 24/7 dizziness. MRI, EEG, EKG, urinary analysis, thyroid, ultrasounds of my heart, tilt table test and ... blood work ... doctors cannot figure out what is wrong but I strongly believe that it was the vaccine |
Julia re: self |
3 to 4 weeks after | appendicitis like symptoms - diagnosed as acid reflux, but much more severe... In bed for 3 weeks. Nauseated and unable to eat. Had endoscopy. Several medications. Not positive this is related to vaccine, but another young lady is experiencing the same symptoms. |
Betsy Luck re: daughter |
20 |
1st & 2nd |
After 1st shot...weakness, dizziness and sometimes tingling in arm. Also ear pain ... (Other reaction) |
Jane re: daughter |
13 |
athletic, soccer player, no medical issues |
3rd | got dizzy and passed out turned blue and went into a seizure...going for EEG |
Tammy re: daughter |
18 |
right after shot |
convulsing and seizuring...very rigid...lasted about 5 minutes...eyes rolled in the back of my [head],...lost control of my bladder....face turned pale white and lips turned a purple color...Smelling salts did not help..stopped breathing several different times. |
L re: self |
14 |
diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis after 1st shot; enlargement noticed during 2nd shot |
Brenda re: daughter |
19 |
1st |
30 days |
Severe acid reflux (no prior history); persistent nausea, vomiting (some blood),diarrhea motion sickness, abdominal pain, followed by weight loss (18 lbs in 6 wks, to date), painful menstruation. |
Crystal Wade
2 Updates re:
daughter |
17 |
1st& 2nd |
1st w/meningitis |
believe ongoing depression is correlated to first shot | Barbara re: daughter |
20 |
athletic build |
only allergy - long haired dogs & cats | 2nd |
1 day |
weakness, nausea, fever and dizzyness and i am still feeling these symptoms two days after the shot | Marlene re: self |
med |
very healthy; no allergies |
1st |
mult. |
immed |
almost fainted; great deal of pain; and had problems walking to the receptionist afterwards (no problem w/2nd shot) |
Dana re:daughter | |
19 | no allergies |
2nd |
very sore arm (shot arm) persisted and increased more than one month as of writing; arm feels extremely weak and muscles feel all tensed up. Legs hurt; it hurts to walk. |
Diana Vo 2x re: self | |||
2nd | arm pain at time of shot and re-appeared 20 days later |
LA re: self | |||||
17 | tall & thin | 1st | immed |
Cried due to arm pain. Next day, fever & nausea |
Carol P re: daughter | ||
15 |
5'8" & 135 |
2nd | abdominal pain, backpain and extreme fatigue |
Helen re:daughter | |||
14 |
5'7" & 110 |
1st | 10 sec |
"wicked" dizzy and had to lie down; non-stopping headache, and acheing all over. Arm pain and aching continuing next day. |
Dylan-Marie re: self | ||
25 |
5'7" & 130 |
allergies: fine animal hair & dust |
1st |
Severe pain in injection arm for 9 months to-date since shot. Initially couldn't lift arm above neck; 2.5 months physical therapy, shock, massage, etc. Told to expect more than 1 yr to recover Pains in legs as well. |
Bethany re: self 2x | ||
prior seizures |
1st |
immed |
Extreme arm pain (normally no pain with shots). Then fuzzy, dizzy, ear ringing, blacked out. Cold sweat & "worst headache" after. |
Haley re: self | |||
17 |
petite |
on depo-prevera birth control |
1st |
meningitis & MMR | Immed after 1st shot, felt very sick. problems with focusing and muscles very twitchy ever since. Often turn away from lights or screens because whole face starts twitching. Later, after 14 months without menstruation due to birth control, menstruating 3days out of 4 for 5 weeks |
Breann re: self | |
1st |
immed |
extreme dizzines, continuing through first day (time of writing) |
Daisy re: self | ||||
1 min. |
passed out onto the floor and had a seizure and urinary incontinence. Her seizure lasted about 30 sec to 1 minute. She was confused and extremely sick to her stomach when she awakened. | Sheila re: daughter | |||||
2nd |
few days |
First, extreme leg tiredness and soreness. Then, bad, sharp shooting pains in stomache; pains shooting down into legs & into chest. Vision blurred . White blood count in urine is elevated and platelet level is higher than normal. Now has lost 20 lbs. Had to take her out of college for at least the semester. Not showing signs of improving. |
Mary Knight re: daughter | ||||
19 |
Did not have severe acne during puberty | 1st |
one week |
Quarter size welts -- red, swollen, painful to touch -- all over face for about three weeks, and started throbbing and itching. New welts -- smaller but more -- appeared about one week after first abated Welts went away at about 3 months, with some scarring. |
Erin re: self | ||
11 |
1st? | shortly after | in the car "began to seize" |
Jessica re: daughter | |||
20 |
1st |
about 1 week | horrible rash of hives all over her body during the night. The hives go away during the day, but are now beginning to occur on some parts of her body before night. |
Sue re: daughter | |||
15 |
very athletic |
2nd | next few weeks |
Complained of severe stomach pains; diagnosed with appendicitis. Had high white blood cell count in her urine. Still complains of stomach pains when she runs or does any other activity for an extended period of time. |
Cindy re: daughter | ||
13 |
5'3" & 110 |
1st & 2nd |
first only had a sore arm. Then back pain and has not had a period for 2 months. |
Jennifer re: daughter | |||
20 |
5'7" & 135 |
no prior allergic reactions |
1st | within one minute | Became faint and dizzy. Wheelchaired to a seperate room to recover. Whole left arm is still sore and VERY weak |
Angela re: self | |